NA-AT Technologies

Empresa mexicana con presencia internacional, creada en 2005 con el objetivo de desarrollar plataformas tecnológicas para transformar el ecosistema financiero en América Latina.

Background Check: what it is and how to apply it to your company

Understanding what background check is extremely important for your company to ensure the security of negotiations. After all, this practice involves checking the background of an individual or legal entity that may become a client of your company. 

Onboarding friction: understand how this can negatively impact your business

It is important to worry about friction in onboarding, especially with the growth of transactions...

KYB: what is it and what is its importance

To have security, credibility and solidity in the market, all businesses must know not only who...

Types of signatures: what they are and how to use them

For many years, the only conceivable way to sign a document was the traditional way of signing a...

What is OCR?

Let's suppose that you want to scan a document to facilitate typing, or even use the information...

Facial recognition: what it is and how it works

It is very likely that in some situation you have already come across facial recognition...

Why is FAD® Match On e-Passport the best choice for identity validation?

With the increase in security concerns in international travel, identity validation has become one...

Identity Fraud: discover 4 characteristics of fraud in the travel segment

Identity fraud can cause various damages for companies from the most varied segments. Currently,...

Digital Authentication: what are the main methods?

We live in an era in which digital transformation is a reality present in the daily lives of almost...

Identity Validation: Learn how it works with the e-passport

With the growing concern about international travel security, many countries are adopting the...